How do you choose which games to include in your site's offerings?
We include only games that offer something unique to the consumer. Whether that be new features, a unique combination of old features, or just a more refined user experience then it will qualify. If it's a generic game though then we won't list the game just for the sake of listing the game.
How frequently do you update the MMORPG listings?
As soon as new games become available to download or purchase.
I think you are missing a game that qualifies, how do I tell you this?
Use our contact page found below to inform us about missing MMORPGs, give suggestions, ask a question or leave general comments.
Can you explain the how the information is organized?
Each game summary offers 3-6 bullet point features that define why the game is unique. We also provide a screenshot of the game so you can see if the graphics are on par for you. Below that nine criteria points that we rate all games on to create uniformity between game choices. See below for details on what these reference to:
Cost: Monthly subscription needed to play the game
Grinding: On a scale of low (less grinding) to high (more grinding) that takes into account two factors. One is how much repetitive content the player must go through in order to level their character. Two is how long does it take to achieve max character level and/or reach "end game" content, whether it be raids or full scale PvP.
Style: Artistic style of the game.
Genre: Setting that the game takes place in from fantasy to sports to sci fi.
Uniqueness: How different the features are from other MMOs. Note this isn't representative of the quality of those features. So while World of Warcraft make not rank well in uniqueness it is still a very good game.
Usability: The ease of being able to jump in and starting playing
PvPing: How PvP is handled whether it be a faction war (you can PvP freely or most freely but only against certain factions), open (you can PvP vs. anyone, anywhere), none (completely PvE focused) or something unique like races in a racing game.
Crafting: The importance of player created items in relation to the game world. A high crafting score usually means the best items are player made and that one can craft without adventuring or killing creatures. A low crafting score means it at least exists but rarely is it worthwhile. Medium falls somewhere in between and none means there is no crafting.
Customizing: The ability to make your character unique from other characters. This is based on two factors - appearance and character skills. So a highly customizable games offers players a unique way to develop their character's skills as well as several unique appearance offerings.
You are missing an important attribute from your summaries.
If we add anything we may need to remove something to prevent a cluttered look. Are any of our categories not useful? Could we combine them with something else to provide more information quickly? Please keep in mind we want to minimize clutter so that gamers can quickly find a new home with easy to read, relevant, and pertinent details.