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Popular MMORPG Categories:
Fantasy MMORPG Games
Fight dragons, cast black magic, and wield a sword in a virtual fantasy world.
Space MMORPG Games
Explore virtual worlds, fight in space, and build planetary empires.
Superhero MMORPGs
Create your own superhero powers & save the city while wearing a spandex costume.
Contact alien species, shoot laser weapons, and colonize planets far away.
Compete against players in war, economy, and politics in a realistic mmo.
Form parties, kill monsters, and steal epic loot in the ultimate coop multiplayer.
Free to Play MMORPGs
Don't be fooled - some of the best MMORPG games are free to download and free to play!
Pay to Play MMORPGs
Play the best paid mmorpg and enjoy a quality, fun mmo for your monthly fee.
Browser MMORPGs
Not all of the best MMORPGs require a separate client download. Play these from your browser!
Strategy MMORPGs
Mix tactical and strategic gameplay with the ability to level up and progress like typical online RPG games.
It's not fun when you can't find what you're looking for. You're all like YEAH THIS WILL BE GREAT and then you are all like :'( and that's no fun! If the available resources above don't help you then feel free to contact us directly.